Re-claim your divine feminine voice and self-expression
A Liberate & Express program that will help your reclaim your divine feminine voice and self-expression, so you can embody the freedom, authenticity, and spiritual leadership to be the voice and expression of the change you want to see in the world.
Are you a Sacred Rebel who longs to live and speak her truth no matter what?
- Are you that spiritual woman, that coach, Way Shower, or Light worker who carries within her Own Being the energy, wisdom, the sacred codes, and the knowledge of the changes that we long to see?
- Are you the voice we need to hear?
- Is there a desire within you to help others with your gifts and talents, to raise the frequency of the people and the world around you, confidently, and with ease and grace?
Beautiful soul, you DO know that it IS your divine birthright to be fulfilled, to be vocally liberated, and to be able to create a high vibe, joyful, and fully expressed life under any circumstance, right?!
- But how often do you MOVE AWAY from freely using your voice and being visible with your greatest gifts?
- How many times are you stopping yourself from having that one conversation that you know will set you free and will set the boundary that creates the space for you to BE who you are and BREATHE with the rhythm of your own spirit?
- And what about ALL the little steps towards the longings of your creative, the even un-imagined-powerful-magical-whispers of your beautiful wise heart and sacred womb wisdom, that you did NOT take?
“That’s not ‘what our kind of people do’
You don’t want to rock the boat too much and sink with it
You simply can’t see ‘how’
And every time you DO find the courage and want to go for it; your body freezes up, your mind goes blanc, your heart starts to run, and your throat closes down in pain with that deep recurring fear that you never completely understand or can get rid off.
Beautiful, unconditionally loving, Sacred Rebel:
Are you done with hiding your bright light and not knowing how to find your voice without getting in overwhelm, burnout, and feeling or sounding inauthentic?
Are you at that point in your life where you know that you simply can not afford any longer, to deny embracing and sharing your Gifts? To deny loving and expressing your full, feminine, rebellious Self and to keep on muting your authentic Voice and Truth?
I hear you!
And you no longer need to deny yourself the gift of loving and expressing your full devine feminine voice and your delightful, amazing, funny, and powerful bright shining beingness
Hi, my name is Elisabeth de Charon de Saint Germain
I am
the Founder of Liberate & Express
born with the heart of a trailblazer and the gifts of a shaman and a mystic
a recovered burnt-out empath, workcaholic and people-pleasing super woman
a singer whose energy transmutes and co-acts with her spirit team, with nature and with spirits of music
a fierce space holder, who embodies the frequency of joy in all circumstances
As a child, woman, mystic, empath, mother, and singer, I had to liberate myself from distorted and deeply oppressive situations from a very young age.
These traumatic experiences for a long time kept an invisible grip on me that prevented me to claim my worth, to be truly visible, to love and embrace my full self, and to let my true voice to come out and be heard. Even with being naturally expressive, being a singer, my international feminine coaching career and owning and leading multiple businesses over the years, it was so hard to let my true light shine. To feel my worth and ask for what I really longed for.
It took time, but my soul always had big dreams and a longing for true spiritual awakening.
- First, I denied everything: ‘What do you mean there is a problem? I am fine!”
- Then I fought my way out of the pain (Tony Robbins – masculine Hero- style; resulting in massive burnouts)
- And later on I started to follow, with growing faith, the Loving forces, my spiritual shamanic impulses, and the wisdom of Source, and especially the mysteries of the Divine Feminine
In this spiritual awakening of my Heart, the higher mystery and magic of voice and self-expression opened their transformative powers for me.
Resulting in miracles, healings, and manifestations;
- it brought into my life my Beloved Soulmate, amazing people to work and to co-create with
- it healed my deepest (past-life-, karmic-, ancestral-, childhood ptsd-) traumas
- it made me able to communicate and work together on a daily base with animals, nature elementals, angels, spirits, and star beings
- it manifested a giant work space, travels to amazing landscapes, and a home that allowed me to live in the middle nature’s mystery, a reality that surpassed all of my wildest dreams
The moment I decided to be myself, to be fully seen and be heard – in all my fragile imperfection – the Universe lovingly opened the doors to the world to me I had so deeply longed for all of my life.
Transform what’s holding you back by reclaiming your full divine power of the healing-liberating-medicine and higher magic of voice and self-expression
With this three part individual program we will work with my Liberate & Express method to help you let go of what is no longer serving you. You will reconnect with, and remember the parts of yourself that are golden, that are the source of pure Joy and Vitality, and that offer you immense guidance and wisdom in your life and business.
The Liberate & Express method originates from the living metamorphosis of my more than 30 years highly trained & developed skills and experiences as a spiritual guide, a professional holistic voice pedagogue and classical singer, a feminine leadership coach, an executive presentation coach, a long time entrepreneur, a holistic massage and skin therapist, and being and advanced (Theta) and Shamanic energy healer.
We will shift and heal, and bring in new and clear perspectives that awaken the consciousness that creates the lasting change within you that you desire
I will teach you how to transform and transmute the energies that are now dimming your light and make you stay in the loop of putting yourself down the moment you want to step up, speak your truth, be seen, and create change
Our second session
In the second session, we will ask Source, your Higher Self, your Guides and your Spirit team how your challenges have helped you shape your Voice of Change and in what way your soul’s voice has been able to guide you
We will find out what needs to be healed, downloaded, opened and activated in order for you to fully reclaim and remember your divine feminine voice and self expression
We will open the space for transformation and healing in the highest good for your whole being, and all those that are involved, so you will start to experience flow where you got stuck before.
Our third session
The third session, you will be focusing upon the gift that you are here to bring on earth in this life. How your specific voice and expression are the key for that gift to happen.
You will remember, be opened, and reconnect in a way that allows you to completely trust and be fulfilled with the uniqueness of who you are
You will wake up to the magic of HOW ‘Being you’ makes you completely magnetic for the people that are meant for you; and for the people who are looking for what have to give
Knowing this forms the start of a New Earth and soul aligned economy, where you create an amazing life from a filled cup, that ends the overwhelm, and manifests a wealth of prosperity
Your three magical bonusses
A powerful feminine leadership test that indicates in what way you create the biggest positive change, and also shows where you face the biggest challenges. Value: € 150
A beautiful meditation process that will empower you to find and embody your true voice and feminine expression, that you can listen to as many times as you want and need to. Value € 47
A very special, pre recorded, masterclass where I will show you how your voice and your self expression can completely change and clear your state, open up your energy fields, and bring you into alignment with your spiritual higher, earthly, and all other parts of your being. Valued at: € 175
- experience a confidence and expansion within the deeper cells of your body
- trust your emotions and start the amazing journey of becoming friends with them
- Your mind will have a clear vision of where it wants you to go and it will start to help you instead of distract you.
- Your spirit and soul will talk to you, my love – and there will be and alignment within your body, mind, spirit, and your emotions that will help you raise your frequency through the power of your voice and self expression. And raising your frequency is everything!
Normal price for this program is € 999
Special price for Divinely Prosper Members:
I was asked to give a masterclass and I was feeling deflated and stuck. I wasn’t quite sure if sharing my experiences would be worth anything to them and I got into a loupe of making myself belief I wasn’t ready.
Elisabeth helped get out of my head and into my body. She holds a beautiful warm caring non-judgemental space. She got me to move past my fears and doubts and connected me with my inner knowing. I got clear on what I wanted to share, and how I wanted to share it. I recognize I need it to have a lighter and fun quality.
Elisabeth has been where I was. She loves the fun and ease and had intuitive ideas to help me incorporate that aspect of myself. I’m happy and relieved I did it! If you are called to share your story but are stuck and keep on procrastinating, I recommend getting yourself to a session with Elisabeth and let her help you get out of your head and connect to what it is you’re really about.
As a speaker and business woman, I knew that there was still room for improvement by working with Elisabeth.
Especially with her Voice & Theta healing, working on the deeper layers, unleashing me in speaking my truth, with pleasure and success.
It was an indescribably beautiful experience, and with an instant noticeable difference.
Even in the private sphere a lot has been shifted, so that being true to myself with energy conservation is easily realized.
Elisabeth was completely able to lead me, a woman with a lot of knowledge and power, into this next level.
Our process was skillfully and lovingly supervised at the highest level. I recommend it to any top level female leader.
I reached out to you because felt I had lost my own voice. Everyone else seemed to know what was best for me, except me.
In the last three month of working with you, I have reached more progress than with all the therapists and psychologists before. I’m in charge again. Energised and sustainably working a little bit more each week.
I found MY voice and became aware of what gave me true pleasure.
It gave me strength to step out of a toxic relationship. And even when I was in the middle of that difficult transition I experience that I am turning into the mother I always wanted to be for my children
I hear you, and let me tell you, you have come to the right place! The time where you had to follow a Guru who told you to be, act, and feel like they did is over. You are your own Guru, your are your own leader and wise woman. You have within you EVERYTHING you need for YOUR life to be everything that you are longing for.
The beauty is that you don’t need to be or become anyone else but you, in order to create the deep transformations you are seeking. Your voice and self expression is as sacred and healing as mine and anyone elses. The Liberate & Express method will help you move through what stands between owning and claiming that divine power for yourself and the dreams that you have for your life. So, don’t worry, there are no brownie points for being “spiritually or artistically gifted”. There is no need to be “extra-ordinary”, or to be a reconised “Leader” in the eyes of society to claim your birthright of owning your own Voice and Self Expression.
The structure of this program is aligned with the pace of what I have been witnessing over and over again with my clients over the last 7 years or so – and my spirit team showed me this particular structure to work with you as a spiritual truth seeker and help you to claim your divine birthright. With the tools that I work with, changes and transformations are always governed by the pace that is right, save, and in the highest good for each individual person. What I have witnessed is that, with the current rising energies of the planet, healing seems to go quicker, easier, deeper, and with a more lasting effect, than even two years ago.
However, when we spiritually evolve we always discover new journey’s our soul wants to take us on. This is the expansive nature of your soul and spirit. And during our session you might discover that you want me to be part of that journey as your spiritual guide, feminine leadership coach, voice and full-expression connector and teacher. When we get to that point we will look at what is best suited for you at that moment, but know that I have more ways to work with you after this program in case you want to.
Absolutely I can! Just hop on a zoom,- or WhatsApp call with me and we will talk it over. Send me a message at +310610358872 and we will plan a short call in.
Normal price for this program: € 999
Special price for Divinely Prosper Members: